The Institute of Shamanic Healing
Mission Statement
Our mission is to inspire contemporary healing practitioners to remember the inner calling to the sacred profession of healing, to renew the soul-felt compassion that began their path, and to empower them with the wisdom of ancient shamanic healing methods found all over the world and taught to us by the masters of healing, the indigenous shamans. Inspired, renewed, and empowered by potent healing methods, these practitioners assist people on their spiritual life path by empowering people to heal inner wounds, align with the soul, and express the qualities of soul in their lives, which in turn will lead to reconnection with themselves, each other, the Earth Mother, and the Creator. These changes at the individual level will move us toward a future where societies are unified, nations are more cooperative, more people’s basic needs and rights are fulfilled, and we all live in harmony with the natural world. We're hoping (eventually) for the creation of heaven on earth.
Origins of the Institute of Shamanic Healing
Dr. Selena Whittle's Story of Founding the Institute of Shamanic Healing
"I first met Shaman Ross Bishop on a panel of spiritual authors in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, where we, along with a few other writers, were fielding questions about spirituality from a small audience of about 50 people. As such synchronicities occur, I sat next to Ross. In the middle of the banter from the conversations, there was a moment when my mind seemed to slow down. The sound of the words from the audience and the other panelists faded into a quiet drone. I was unnerved. I knew the state of mind from meditation, but I was in the middle of a public conversation! 'Should I not be paying attention? What if someone is asking me a question right now!?' I am not sure how long it was before my mind settled and the silence became complete. Then, in the stillness and silence, I heard the words that came in a strong pulse, 'He will be your teacher.' As the sometimes semi-irreverent being that I am, my first internal response was, 'What? This drum-banging, rattle-shaking shaman dude?' It was outrageous!
Indeed, it was outrageous, even though I had quit my private practice because I felt that my work with clients had not reached deeply enough. It was outrageous, because, after all, I had a good grip on psychological reality through the structure of my Westernized training and education . . . right? Yet, outrageous or not, I could not ignore the voice. Who does that?
So I began a journey—a journey that would include profound healing, a journey that would destroy the external and false fabric of my life so that I might be reborn, a journey that would lead me to aligning with the deeper inner essence of my soul. I did not know it at the time. If I had known, I might not have had the courage, but, step by step, the fabric of my life unraveled and, quietly, I let the soul begin to weave a new existence for me. Humbled and renewed, I became completely dedicated to restoring my soul to wholeness, towards surrendering to the Divine, towards helping others heal, and to continuing to love and raise my children. |
My apprenticeship with Ross allowed me to delve into this method of healing that had been so transformative in my own life and, as I soon came to see, in the lives of others. As I realized the potency of the method, the depth of its reach into the souls and lives of people, I was amazed that it was not more well-known.
Then I came to understand that there are many forms of shamanic healing, that this form of shamanic healing was very different from other forms, and that there were only a few people in the world trained in this form of shamanic healing. Well, that would not do! There needed to be a training program! And thus, in keeping with being bold, brassy, and (sometimes stupid/naive/idealistic), I founded the Institute of Shamanic Healing and set about writing an unfolding, divinely inspired curriculum." |
Shaman Ross Bishop's Path
The origins of the Institute begin with the life path and shamanic training of Shaman Ross Bishop, who brought the indigenous Maya shamanic teachings to this country and trained other apprentices, including the founder of the Institute, Dr. Selena Whittle.
Ross Bishop's spiritual training began in India in the late 1970's and early 1980's when he studied with Mahavatar (Haidakhan) Babaji. After 2 years of working and being with his Guru, Ross was instructed by Babaji to go to a small town in Chiapas, Mexico, where he would meet his next teacher. Following his Guru's instructions, he found his next teacher, a Maya shaman in the small town and began his apprenticeship. As he learned the Maya shamanic healing techniques, he lived as the community lived, learning the cultural norms and values. That Ross not only trained with, but was allowed to treat people from the indigenous culture testifies to the level of trust that both his shaman teacher and the community had in his skill level. When his Maya teacher felt that it was time for Ross to move on, he was sent to another shaman in Guatemala for further training. He trained with his new teacher for about 6 months before returning to the United States. (Ross also spent about 6 months learning from the Aboriginal people of Australia, though it is not clear when this training occurred in relation to the other training he received).
In order to better serve the westernized culture of the United States, Ross began to alter the shamanic healing methods with both the permission, encouragement, and blessing of his indigenous Maya teacher. Without changing the core nature of the methods, Ross altered the level of participation of the client, thus empowering the client to become the primary agent of healing. Ross has written several books including About Life, Healing the Shadow and his newest addition, Finding Inner Peace. This method of shamanic healing that empowers the client to become the primary agent of healing while the shamanic practitioner facilitates and supports that healing is what we teach at the Institute. This is but one way our method of shamanic healing differs from other methods.
In order to better serve the westernized culture of the United States, Ross began to alter the shamanic healing methods with both the permission, encouragement, and blessing of his indigenous Maya teacher. Without changing the core nature of the methods, Ross altered the level of participation of the client, thus empowering the client to become the primary agent of healing. Ross has written several books including About Life, Healing the Shadow and his newest addition, Finding Inner Peace. This method of shamanic healing that empowers the client to become the primary agent of healing while the shamanic practitioner facilitates and supports that healing is what we teach at the Institute. This is but one way our method of shamanic healing differs from other methods.