Payment Options
Pay-as-you-GoThe Pay-As-You-Go option simply means that you'll pay each month for whatever services you've had. If you've had 8 classes and 4 shamanic healing sessions, your payment for that month would be 1,120. If you have 6 classes and 3 shamanic healing sessions, it would be 840.
Financial Aid -
Financial Aid Calculator
income-based financial aid Calculator
To determine your eligibility for the Deferred Payment Plan, please complete the information below.
(NOTE: the Institute does not have access to or store any information provided).
***Total household income includes the gross annual income (before taxes) for ALL wage earners in the household***
(NOTE: the Institute does not have access to or store any information provided).
***Total household income includes the gross annual income (before taxes) for ALL wage earners in the household***
Your Estimated Monthly Payment on the Deferred Payment Schedule:
With this Monthly Payment, you would be making payments for a period of:
If you have any questions about financial aid, please contact the Institute and we'll be glad to assist!