Welcome to the Apprenticeship!
Here you will find detailed information about your first retreat including the theme of the retreat and how you may prepare for the retreat. Please review the information carefully and bookmark the page for future reference.
Personal Message from your apprenticeship leader
selena whittleIn one way or another, you are called to a path of healing and now you embark on a journey that will transform you and teach you the most ancient and widespread healing method known to humankind—shamanic healing.
You have communicated to me how excited you are to begin this process and I share in that excitement! I believe that each of us (myself included) will grow exponentially within ourselves and within our abilities to help others heal. I will say too that I recognize the wisdom that you bring and am honored to be a part of this group. |
The apprenticeship is a transformational process. You will come to know much about the mystical processes of the universe, about the nature of consciousness and inner dynamics, about the wonder of relationships to all of creation, about the light of your soul. As you grow and change, you will begin to align with the soul and develop a sense of peaceful power and presence. I am humbly awed by you in your transformation and will say that it is truly a privilege to be a part of your process. Thank you for your trust in me.
When you make a choice such as embarking on Apprenticeship journey, when your soul calls and you respond with an enthusiastic “YES!” a mysterious process unfolds. It is as if your soul, your Guides and Teachers, the Creator and the Earth Mother all conspire to support and challenge you to become the best healer you can be. Perhaps you’ve already noticed how your choice has affected your life. If so, I would remind you to indulge in self-care, particularly nurturing and comforting ways of being as well as celebratory activities! Also, remember that you are not alone in this journey (even on this physical plane). Your fellow Apprentices and I are here to support you and to celebrate with you!
I am honored to be your guide and know that together, we’ll create a deeply informative, meaningful, and transformative experience.
Contacting Your Apprenticeship Leader
You may contact me through email, text, or phone call.
Phone or Text: 503.908.1550
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Availability: Although you may contact me at any time, I will not likely receive your message before
5:00 am or after 6:00 pm Pacific Time. Even so, I am very attentive to the needs of apprentices and will respond as quickly as possible. I am not available on Saturdays and Sundays, unless it is an emergency.
When you make a choice such as embarking on Apprenticeship journey, when your soul calls and you respond with an enthusiastic “YES!” a mysterious process unfolds. It is as if your soul, your Guides and Teachers, the Creator and the Earth Mother all conspire to support and challenge you to become the best healer you can be. Perhaps you’ve already noticed how your choice has affected your life. If so, I would remind you to indulge in self-care, particularly nurturing and comforting ways of being as well as celebratory activities! Also, remember that you are not alone in this journey (even on this physical plane). Your fellow Apprentices and I are here to support you and to celebrate with you!
I am honored to be your guide and know that together, we’ll create a deeply informative, meaningful, and transformative experience.
Contacting Your Apprenticeship Leader
You may contact me through email, text, or phone call.
Phone or Text: 503.908.1550
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Availability: Although you may contact me at any time, I will not likely receive your message before
5:00 am or after 6:00 pm Pacific Time. Even so, I am very attentive to the needs of apprentices and will respond as quickly as possible. I am not available on Saturdays and Sundays, unless it is an emergency.
About the first Retreat
The theme of this first retreat is laying the foundation for being a healer and in particular becoming a shamanic healer which includes: what it means to heal, how to care for yourself as a healer, the philosophical and practical foundations of shamanism, the call to the sacred path of healing, the shamanic journey, shamanic sight, power animals, and spirit teachers. Part of your foundation for who you are in this lifetime as a healer comes from an awareness of the land of your birth and your ancestors. We'll be exploring these as well. Also, you’ll make a shamanic drum! and learn how to awaken your drum (more about drums below). From a shamanic point of view, we’ll be focused on relationships—relationships to the world around us, to the land of our birth, to the land at the retreat, to your ancestors, to each other, to the drum, to the spiritual path, to guides and teachers, and to ourselves as healers. In addition to all the amazing learning and experiences in the classes, we’ll be doing shamanic ceremony as well!
General Retreat Schedule
In keeping with the blending of western and indigenous teaching, the retreat includes classes and experiential activities. Evenings are free/integration/social time. We will often spontaneously decide on a group activity in the evenings as well.
Retreat Dates/Times
Check in: Tuesday, 9/19/23 at 4:00 pm Pacific Time
Check out: Sunday, 9/24/23 at 11:00 am Pacific Time
Retreat Officially Begins 9:00 am Wednesday and goes through 8:00 pm Saturday
Two Rivers Farm
89060 Old Mohawk Road
Springfield OR 97478
Getting There
For those flying in, Eugene (EUG) is the airport to choose when making your reservations. For people flying in, we recommend purchasing your plane ticket sooner rather than later, as airfares tend to increase as the dates get closer. You may consider sharing a car rental with other apprentices. Local apprentices are usually willing to provide rides to people whenever possible.
General Retreat Schedule
In keeping with the blending of western and indigenous teaching, the retreat includes classes and experiential activities. Evenings are free/integration/social time. We will often spontaneously decide on a group activity in the evenings as well.
Retreat Dates/Times
Check in: Tuesday, 9/19/23 at 4:00 pm Pacific Time
Check out: Sunday, 9/24/23 at 11:00 am Pacific Time
Retreat Officially Begins 9:00 am Wednesday and goes through 8:00 pm Saturday
Two Rivers Farm
89060 Old Mohawk Road
Springfield OR 97478
Getting There
For those flying in, Eugene (EUG) is the airport to choose when making your reservations. For people flying in, we recommend purchasing your plane ticket sooner rather than later, as airfares tend to increase as the dates get closer. You may consider sharing a car rental with other apprentices. Local apprentices are usually willing to provide rides to people whenever possible.
at this retreat, you will receive...
In addition to the classes and healing sessions, the experiences and ceremony, you will receive an Apprenticeship Manual of supporting materials and a Gift from your Apprenticeship Leader...
preparing for the retreat
While the information below will tell you about the to-do’s that will prepare you, please also consider how you’re feeling and thinking about the retreat. Take time to get quiet and look inside as part of that preparation. You may experience a wide range of emotions such as excitement, elation, and trepidation as examples. If you need help or a bit of support in processing these emotions, please reach out to the Apprenticeship Leader or your fellow Apprentices.
Go ahead and purchase, then begin reading Active Hope by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone. This book clearly outlines where the world is in its current transition, what is needed, and your place in it. You may also begin reading The Hollow Bone as well as Seeing in the Dark by Colleen Deatsman. These books are easy-to-read and provide a thorough introduction to shamanism. Also, go ahead and purchase Emergence of the Psychic compiled by A.S. Dalal. Although we will not be talking about the nature and purpose of soul until classes following the retreat, sometimes this book takes time to arrive. Ordering it now will ensure that you have them when you need them. NOTE: You do NOT need to read all of these books cover to cover before the retreat. All assigned readings during the apprenticeship can be done in your own time and at your own pace.
Sacred Object(s) for Altar
At the beginning of the retreat, we’ll be creating an altar. Please bring a sacred object to place on the altar. The object doesn’t have to be particularly “shamanic,” but it should definitely have meaning for you. By putting it on the altar, you are making a symbolic statement about your presence in the group for the duration of the retreat. You will take the sacred object back with you when you leave.
Pictures of the Land of Your Birth and Ancestors
You may also bring pictures of the land of your birth as well as pictures of your Ancestors (mother, father, grandparents as examples) if you'd like to do so. These can be placed on the altar as well.
The Drum
The drum is the sacred instrument of the shaman. You'll be making your shamanic drum during this first retreat. More info on that as we get closer to the retreat.
Poetry, Writing, or Songs
If you have any poetry, writing or songs that have particular meaning for you at this time in your life or are related to your call to shamanic healing (or healing in general), please consider bringing them.
Preparation for Ceremony
Also, as we will be doing ceremony, you might want to bring any musical instruments that you play. Along that same line, you may choose to bring ceremonial clothing if you like.
Paper, Journal, and Pens/Pencils
Although you will be receiving a binder from the Institute of Shamanic Healing with supportive material and information. For every class, you'll have an outline of the class in the manual with space for note-taking so that may be sufficient, but you may also choose to bring a notebook and pens/paper. Please purchase a blank journal to record your thoughts/feelings during the apprenticeship as well as other experiential exercises.
Clothing and Shoes
Please wear comfortable, casual clothing and bring warm house-shoes/booties to keep your feet warm indoors.
Alcohol and Recreational Drugs
Please abstain from alcohol and other recreational mind-altering substances at least a few days before and certainly during the retreat. If you are addicted to a drug or recreational substance, please talk to your apprenticeship leader before the retreat.
Electronics and Wifi
Please feel free to bring any electronic device you'd like on the retreat, but please refrain from using all electronic devices during classes. You can leave them in your room to check or use on breaks, mealtimes, and open time.
We’ll be providing our own food for the retreat. Bring food that will make your stay comforting and nurturing. If someone wants to coordinate meals and food as we get closer to the retreat, the Forum is a great place to do that.
Go ahead and purchase, then begin reading Active Hope by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone. This book clearly outlines where the world is in its current transition, what is needed, and your place in it. You may also begin reading The Hollow Bone as well as Seeing in the Dark by Colleen Deatsman. These books are easy-to-read and provide a thorough introduction to shamanism. Also, go ahead and purchase Emergence of the Psychic compiled by A.S. Dalal. Although we will not be talking about the nature and purpose of soul until classes following the retreat, sometimes this book takes time to arrive. Ordering it now will ensure that you have them when you need them. NOTE: You do NOT need to read all of these books cover to cover before the retreat. All assigned readings during the apprenticeship can be done in your own time and at your own pace.
Sacred Object(s) for Altar
At the beginning of the retreat, we’ll be creating an altar. Please bring a sacred object to place on the altar. The object doesn’t have to be particularly “shamanic,” but it should definitely have meaning for you. By putting it on the altar, you are making a symbolic statement about your presence in the group for the duration of the retreat. You will take the sacred object back with you when you leave.
Pictures of the Land of Your Birth and Ancestors
You may also bring pictures of the land of your birth as well as pictures of your Ancestors (mother, father, grandparents as examples) if you'd like to do so. These can be placed on the altar as well.
The Drum
The drum is the sacred instrument of the shaman. You'll be making your shamanic drum during this first retreat. More info on that as we get closer to the retreat.
Poetry, Writing, or Songs
If you have any poetry, writing or songs that have particular meaning for you at this time in your life or are related to your call to shamanic healing (or healing in general), please consider bringing them.
Preparation for Ceremony
Also, as we will be doing ceremony, you might want to bring any musical instruments that you play. Along that same line, you may choose to bring ceremonial clothing if you like.
Paper, Journal, and Pens/Pencils
Although you will be receiving a binder from the Institute of Shamanic Healing with supportive material and information. For every class, you'll have an outline of the class in the manual with space for note-taking so that may be sufficient, but you may also choose to bring a notebook and pens/paper. Please purchase a blank journal to record your thoughts/feelings during the apprenticeship as well as other experiential exercises.
Clothing and Shoes
Please wear comfortable, casual clothing and bring warm house-shoes/booties to keep your feet warm indoors.
Alcohol and Recreational Drugs
Please abstain from alcohol and other recreational mind-altering substances at least a few days before and certainly during the retreat. If you are addicted to a drug or recreational substance, please talk to your apprenticeship leader before the retreat.
Electronics and Wifi
Please feel free to bring any electronic device you'd like on the retreat, but please refrain from using all electronic devices during classes. You can leave them in your room to check or use on breaks, mealtimes, and open time.
We’ll be providing our own food for the retreat. Bring food that will make your stay comforting and nurturing. If someone wants to coordinate meals and food as we get closer to the retreat, the Forum is a great place to do that.